May 1952, I was finally released from Prison (school) For 12 years I have been putting up with the indoctrination forced on me by my parents and the state of Texas since 1941.
Ogden Elementary, to me it was a huge building with wide massive steps to the front door. Being 6 years old it was a snap. At the top of the steps "the hall" Wide wood floors doors on both sides, these are the cells! Lets look around. Windows, huge windows. In the front of the class the black board, The dread "black board" it's got to be cleaned and the erasers dusted daily.
In the back of the room, the cloak room. What in the world is a cloak? I guess its a coat, its where be put our coats, rain coats (yellow) and rubber boots. Oh some times there was a pencil sharpener in there also. In any case if you were not careful the teacker would have you stand in the corner in the cloak room. I know all about that.
Now above the black board are letters and numbers, this was to show you what the alphabet you were to learn, looks like. just think we got 12 years to master that.
Tomorrow or when I get around to it, i'll fill you in on our writing supplies, followed by the bath room, and maybe through in some recess.
Don't forget, six years old, never knew what day school or kindergarten was, boy we had it rough, we might have to learn something
Well folks I have thought of how can I possibly justify my story as NO one Will believe me! Betcha bippy I have life stories that there is no one on earth will believe me. so after much thought I am going to fast forward to my future and I will try to tell you how it should be.
No body gives a shiete or sunnie anyway so let the joist begin.