The following is good reading and should be looked at carefully
Patriotism or Elitism?
R.J. Godlewski© October 20, 2008, All Rights Reserved
I am an American and I am damn proud of that fact. As far as I am concerned, there is no greater nation on earth nor has there ever been. I am able to aspire to any career – even if I should change my field every few years – and can live in any state or city of my choosing and wherewithal. I can attend whichever church I find inspiring and associate with any friends that I find uplifting. Nobody demands of me and I demand nothing from anyone in turn. I offer what comes from my heart willingly and if, for whatever reason, I choose to remain introverted, pessimistic, and challenging, then I can do so for that is what freedom is all about. If others try to deny me of this life, then I can protect myself with my .45, even here in pathetically liberal Michigan.
Part of being American means that I accept a certain level of compassion, concern, and responsible foresight within my life. I understand the inherent value of innocent human life and use whatever talents God has given me to benefit the world. When I “spread my wealth”, it is because I have chosen to do so. That’s being American; charity is as much a creative enterprise as is oil painting or classical music. We take what we are, focus our thoughts to that which we would like to create, and devote our lives to whichever ‘Cause’ we would like our talents to address. America has succeeded largely because these traits are the norm and not the exception.
There are other people, however, who do not believe that compassion and charity are individual efforts. These people believe that it is the state that determines what we are to believe, what we are to address, and how much effort is required on our part. They wish to “distribute the wealth” through force and not through inspiration. They want us to associate with people we have not chosen, contribute to causes we do not support, and utilize talents we do not profess. Most of all, they wish to force these things upon us because, quite simply, they do not believe that we have the mental wherewithal to offer these services of our own accord. These people are not Americans, they are elitists of the same ilk as those who swarmed around the Nazi flag in Madison Square Gardens leading up to the Second World War or wrapped themselves within the Fifth Amendment during the 1950’s hunt for infiltrating communists.
They are not Americans because they do not respect the human lives that millions of their compatriots have fought and died for over the centuries. They are not Americans for they do not accept that charity begins at home and instead believe that charity is orchestrated best by the state. They are not Americans because they do not endorse the economic system that has withstood the ravages of time. They simply feel that their decades’ of existence trumps our nation’s centuries of experience.
These people are not Americans for they spend far too much time demanding attention for their little efforts. They use the media, entertainment, and political office to display their importance whereas millions of their fellow citizens accomplish far more and defer attention from it. It is easy to spot these elitists, for they are the ones that spout “I” more often than anyone else. They are the ones that say “I” know what’s best for you; “I” have far more rights than you do; “I” want what you have.
When they get bored with using “I” they use its sibling “My”. You’ve heard them. It’s “My” body so I can have an abortion. It’s “My” health so you have to pay for my insurance. It’s “My” choice to take drugs, to drink, and to act irresponsibly so you have to accept the consequences. Americans don’t act that way, but elitists do.
Americans, on the other hand, know that they are on loan from God, the master landlord of all. They know that being American is not restricted to a particular race, sex, creed, or religion. Being American requires, quite simply, the respect for all human life. The elitists, however, believe that they should have the last say in defining human life. They say that it does not exist if it hasn’t yet been born. They say that beyond a certain age, it is permissible to extinguish it. They say that we can literally grow human life merely for the benefit of others, choosing to extract parts and destroy the rest as suited to their needs.
Elitists claim moral superiority by making moral standards obsolete. They can, at the stroke of a pen, elevate the animal kingdom beyond the human and lay blame upon the human for the changes taking place within the geological world. Elitists claim superior knowledge for they can tell you what will happen with a great degree of certainty thousands of years into the future but dismiss the historical record of their forefathers. I am so glad that I am not an elitist.
I was born into this world for a mission that God had
chosen me for and I do not take this mission lightly. The elitists would have you believe that I am somehow a “Right Winger” or a “fanatic.” They charge me with being a “conservative” as if conservatism were some foul disease unworthy of speech. They level charges of racism against me simply because I believe that Barack Obama is the worst possible candidate for president during this period of great challenges to our national security. I am simply an American and I will defend this great nation of ours with every asset and talent at my disposal. If I offend you, then take it up with God. Don’t harass the messenger.