By R.J. Godlewski
© March 21, 2010, All Rights Reserved.
To the House of Representatives and Senate of the United States of America….
You pathetic tyrants. Occupants of a den of thieves, opportunists, and self-styled elitists amongst men. You have forsaken your oath to uphold the Constitution of these United States to enforce the political agenda of a few self-righteous individuals who are not even worthy of assassination. You have taken an honorable duty and an honorable institution and transformed them into a haven of anti-American idolatry amidst an administration that has sacrificed everything near and dear to his constituency. Mere human words fail to describe the kind of hell you all deserve to be incinerated within.
Representatives of the people are charged with the will of the people; they are not permitted to circumvent the rights of free individuals anymore than tyrants are empowered by God to enslave them. To orchestrate the submission of an entire nation to affect some form of progressive liberal ambition is high treason in my book and history records well the punishment for such high crimes and misdemeanors.
The duty of government is the preservation of national security and interstate commerce, not the confiscation of monies, jobs, industries, and the rationing of medical procedures. To do so is criminal arrogance, for it places the nation “of the people, by the people, and for the people” under the yoke of those who seek to make this sovereignty perish from the earth. I am sorry, but as an American, I cannot allow this to happen.
I will use every resource at my disposal to wage political war against those I deem dismissive of the Constitution of the United States of America. I will call upon my decades of experience in defeating terrorism to organize and direct those who wish to aid in the support and restoration of this Constitutional Republic. Most importantly, I will use my vast repertoire of psychological warfare talents and techniques to defeat you from both the shadows and the limelight. You may not ever know from where my efforts may arise, but you can always be certain that my allies and I are there, striking a blow for America and the rule of law – law as mandated by the Constitution.
I will not rest until I have secured the inalienable rights and God-given freedoms accorded to all human individuals, whether they have been born or not, whatever background they hail from, and whatever race, creed, religion, or ethnicity they comprise. This nation, existing of all men being equal in creation, necessitates that all men are subject to the rights that our Creator bestowed upon them. You cannot, as servants of the people, interfere with these inalienable rights, reduce them, or manufacture them to please your particular agenda. God granted to Caesar what was Ceasar’s, but retained for immortality those things that transcended transitory tyrants.
Your drive towards nationalizing control of our healthcare industry through instituting a mockery of “reforms” is the final straw as far as I am concerned. Government is now on my blacklist and excluded from products and services I or my allied associates produce. We remain dedicated to protecting this great nation of ours and its honorable people from aggression and attack, but as an institution, the federal government will not benefit from these resources. Your arrogance and dismissal of the American people will be destroyed – if not by us, by the God who watches over us.
As individuals, you will be singled out and isolated from the ranks of our honorable founding fathers. We will never cease until you are held accountable for your treasonous actions. We will not honor your unconstitutionality; we will not permit your tyranny to flourish. We have had enough and by God will shall rise up within the voting booths, the public stage, and throughout the still free media. You will hear our voices because we will not allow you to escape our demands.
Arrogance can be shattered, apathy can be erased, ignorance can be revealed. You are in our sights and we will no longer sit on the sidelines as you march this great nation off the cliff of bankruptcy. We defeated tyrannies in the past, even those comprised of our neighbors. The coming war may not lead to such bloodshed, but it sure as hell will defeat you incompetent souls. Nothing shines brighter than liberty on the march and nothing deflects progressivism like the armored shield of the Constitution. With God as our guiding star and the U.S. Constitution as the law of the land, we shall prevail despite your thuggery, your bribery, and your idiocy. Hell hath no fury like a waking giant…
R.J. Godlewski Sunday, March 21, 2010
R.J. Godlewski (GOD LESS KEY) is an independent counterterrorism consultant, the director of the private International Nuclear Emergency Response Team [INERT], and the author of several novels, commentaries, and professional articles. He is also the author and architect of the Web-based Independent Counterterrorist training program. He is currently working on his B.A. in Intelligence Studies at American Military University where his concentration includes Middle East terrorism and improvised explosive devices. He is a member of the National Military Intelligence Association, the Golden Key International Honour Society, and is a veteran of both the United States Navy and Navy Reserve. He can be reached at rjgodlewsk(at)