Sunday, March 29, 2009

Welcome to America

Statue of Liberty National Monument
Emma Lazarus’ Famous Poem
A poem by Emma Lazarus is graven on a tablet
within the pedestal on which the statue stands.

The New Colossus

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my
lamp beside the golden door."

These words have been a guide for millions of people from all over the world seeking a better way of life. For all these years people of the world have fought, saved and done without in order to reach our soil. They came from all walks of life and entered our country with pride and dignity and started a new life far different than they had before, They were free to do the things denied them in their old country.

They put away the old customs and assimilated into our culture, while maintaining theirs, they ask not for us to change to their customs and habits but blended in with ours. They became workers business owners and family groups. Over the years most of these people were law abiding citizens (with a few exceptions) and lived as one people in our nation.

Now and for some time our Government has allowed non-citizens to enter our country and by virtue of our kindness have received virtual citizenship, allowing all who come, free “everything”.

I guess the last 5 lines have evolved into give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free, to mean. “If you have nothing in your country, your Government wont help you, Pregnant, then sneak into our country, go to the nearest hospital, check in and have a baby” POW instant welfare food stamps housing assistance and now your living free.

“Give me your wretched refuse of your teeming shore, send these the homeless, tempest-tost to me,” I welcome you. I guess this means, give us all your “gang Bangers”, “Criminals”,” Drug dealers”, “Smugglers”, “thugs” and those unwilling to obey the law, and those even their own country do not want.

To all the Politicians, and Bleeding heart liberals, I wish you well and hope you wake up one day and do something about it rather than feather you own nest. This Country will never fail! Only because if it does those who helped cause it will reverse course and save their own rear end

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

How much more can we expect?

1. Bank bale-outs

2. Car Manufacturers bale-out

3. Now they are thinking of News paper bale-outs

4. Can't get any worse than this; They are thinking of making our Wounded Soldiers pay for their service connected wounds, and making private insurance pay for it.

When will we the people Call "STOP THE MADNESS"

Now like the TEXAS Jail, it's party time, all the time in the WH!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Political party Problems, FOR WHAT IT'S WORTH dept


Many American men and women enlisted in the military the last 100 years, during all the past wars some little known and others which really took their toll on the American Fighting man. Think of the waste of men and women lost during WW1, WW2, Korea, Viet Nam, Desert Storm and our present Wars in the Middle East. Everyone who returned from those places deserves a Super thank you for helping keep our Republic a safe and secure Country. Most of all who returned were proud of their contribution, some carried bitter feelings of their service. I was serving from 1952 until 1972, I was only in combat in Korea but could have been to Nam, I was one of the lucky ones who did not get to have fun in the Sauna. We did not enlist for fun in most cases it was love of country.

When I retired I did not much care about Politics, and really didn’t follow too closely. I started paying attention when Regan Ran and lost, then again when Regan ran the second time and won. I saw him guide this country back to the reality which had left during past Administrations.

At this point I started to look at both sides, I noticed how organized the Democratic Party was and how they all pulled together as a group and were never backed down, no mater how hard the Republicans tried they could not stop them. The Republicans just did not have any sense of organization and most of the time lost. In 1994 the Republicans finally got it together and won both houses of Congress, They had all finally pulled together, and Won.

Now that they were in command they felt very good and wanted to get on with the Nations business. Even though they were in charge, they had been the minority for so long they did not know how to lead and kick the democrats BUTT, the let the Democrats run all over them as they had for 40 years. Next thing you know the Republicans started going every which way and not in the same direction.

Bingo, 1n 2007 after losing a little each election, the Democrats won the whole ball of wax, everything, lock stock and barrel. Then in 2008 they took the republicans to the cleaners and left them standing Naked in the rain. The Republicans never learned how to get it together for the party while the Democrats all worked in one direction and won.

I relate this action to the old story about the wagon, The republicans had everyone in the wagon, and no one pulling, while the Democrats had the candidates in the wagon and the rest were pulling.

We, the American Service men and women had to pull together in all of our conflicts to win, to lose was not an option. We served to maintain our freedom. It seems that the Republicans want the losing option! Just because they rolled a pair of sevens in 1994 didn't mean they wouldn’t throw craps in 2007 and 2008. To the Republicans I say hitch up your wagon and all of you start to pull together and stop pulling only for yourself. You cannot win if you roll over to the opposition, Get some Balls.

The comments above are mine and mine alone, if you agree or disagree with me leave a comment.
Good evening to all.

Friday, March 13, 2009


Look what we are facing on the other side from the drug cartel

Your President is thinking of sending the Military to the Border with Mexico to help support the Border Sheriff's control the violence that is taking over there. The Troops will be outfitted with the latest combat gear to help them do their job. But due to the outcries from organizations like LULAC, ACLU, PITA, GREENPEACE and other yet unknown groups, he has decided to delete the EVIL weapons they were trained to kill with, as well as Ammunition.

In their place the fine fighting men going into battle will be issued SLING SHOTS, HOWEVER, they will not be issued AMMO. The troops at this moment are being trained how to scrounge for rocks pebbles and other local features that can be used for ammo. They are warned not under any circumstances can the items be sharp, it may hurt someone. Paint ball weapons were also outlawed, so much for fun.

Also in their training they will be trained in building their own Sling shot thus improving the efficiency of our Modern Military. see the following WEB Site,




Well this may be a little far fetched, BUT, With the present situation, Who Knows????