Saturday, May 21, 2011

Mothers day

Sunday morning, Mothers Day, I received a call from my Son, that his wife had passed away before daylight Sunday morning.  It is sad that he and his 16 year old son lost their BEST FRIEND, MOTHER and LOVER of 26 Years.  It was a lonesome sadness felt by the Family.
His friends were there after the Viewing on Tuesday and offered comfort for his loss.  The only happy moment was when a very shy 4 year old, over came her shyness and pulled my suspenders, and snuggled up next to me, helps the sadness go away. GOD bless the little children.

Didn't pay your bills this month?

Don't worry!

Happy Doomsday

The followers of Christian radio broadcaster Harold Camping prepared across the United States for his predicted Day of Judgment at 6 p.m. local time. "We know the end will begin in New Zealand and will follow the sun and roll on from there," said Michael Garcia, a 39-year-old father of six. "That's why God raised up all the technology and the satellites so everyone can see it happen at the same time."
I thought The Twilight Zone was all make believe!,  Guess not, it's in Florida. and for some it will be Judgement day,  let's see, who is on Death Row.