Monday, March 22, 2010


We are the sons and daughters of the Pioneers…

by ReeCMurphey on 03/22/2010
Today we are all reeling from yesterday’s lurch toward Bigger Government. Instinctively, we know this is BAD. Bad bill, bad process, bad management of the scarce resources… just BAD.

The only interesting thing to watch in this whole fiasco has been the puzzlement of the elite media and politicians. They can’t understand why rank and file Americans are so against something that is so obviously “good” for them. They don’t understand why we don’t want to be more “civilized” and have healthcare like Europe and other First World countries.

It’s like watching the Grinch try and figure out the Whos down in Whoville.

Here is my take on it: We are the sons and daughters of the Pioneers.

What that means is that at some point in the past, an ancestor of ours looked around wherever they were, and rejected it. They saw something they didn’t like and said, “I’m getting outta here”. They packed what little they had and sailed over thousands of miles of ocean to come here. They did it without checking it out first on the internet or taking a vacation here first. They voted with their feet and left.

Once they came here, they were their own person with no stifling past. “Nothing is written”, is how T.E. Lawrence put it.

That independence is part of our DNA. I know this may seem silly to some, but I believe that deeply embedded in our DNA in some way or another, we have a remnant of these ancestors and their feelings on the subject.

The only way I can explain this is by an example.

Back in 2001 (before 9/11) my husband and I were fortunate enough to spend a week in France. My family tree is full of French ancestors.

When I was in France, the only way I can put it is that my soul felt like it was “singing”. It especially hit high harmonic convergence once we got out in the French Countryside (my Family did not have much, if any, French/Paris area heritage.) We were most fortunate to stand on the high cliffs on Normandy 57 years, almost to the day of the D-Day Invasion. So many emotions were running through me as we marveled over the significance over that real estate and what it held for the future of our world.

As I gazed at the horizon over the smooth waves of the ocean on that magnificent day, it hit me: home was thousands of miles away over that vast expanse of water.

How did our ancestors do this? How did they gaze over that ocean and say, “I want to go there” even though they didn’t know what was over that horizon? They had no reasonable certainty they would get there in one piece. They turned their back on certainty, their friends, family and citizenship and left for the new world.

WE are ancestors of this spirit. That is why we are different!

I would even argue that immigrants to this day, have this in them.

That is why we look at this legislation and know in the deep recesses of our DNA that this legislation is wrong for Americans and America.

Today, the Democrats will be celebrating. Let them. It will be one of the last few moments of celebration before the Sons and Daughters of the Pioneers get out their “pitchforks” and demand real change through the form of a ballot box. We aren’t going anywhere – there is no “New World”. WE have to take back our country and restore it.

We owe it to our pioneering ancestors.

"LONE STAR TIMES"  3/22/2010

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